UNDP Urges Immediate Action to Combat Myanmar's Poverty Crisis

Web DeskApril 12, 2024 10:14 AMbusiness
  • Nearly half of Myanmar's population now live below the poverty line.
  • Escalating conflicts and economic struggles worsen the poverty situation.
  • Urgent interventions like cash transfers and food security are crucial.
UNDP Urges Immediate Action to Combat Myanmar's Poverty CrisisImage Credits: United Nations Development Programme
The economic situation in Myanmar has deteriorated significantly, with nearly half of the population living below the poverty line. Escalating conflicts, a struggling economy, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have worsened the crisis. Urgent interventions, such as cash transfers and ensuring food security, are crucial to address the growing vulnerability among the population.

The economic situation in Myanmar has reached a critical point, with a recent United Nations report highlighting a dire scenario. The report reveals that nearly half of the country's 55 million population now live below the poverty line, a significant increase from 24.8% in 2017 to 49.7% in 2023. This surge in poverty is exacerbated by escalating conflicts between the military and armed ethnic groups, leading to mass displacements and loss of livelihoods.

Myanmar's economy has been struggling, with a substantial 17.9% drop in GDP in 2021 following the military coup that ousted the government. The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further worsened the economic conditions in the country. The UNDP has warned that the middle class, crucial for a country's recovery, is rapidly disappearing, with less than 25% of the population now able to maintain steady incomes above the poverty line.

The UNDP Chief Achim Steiner emphasized the urgent need for intervention to prevent further deterioration. Immediate actions such as cash transfers, ensuring food security, and providing access to basic services are crucial to address the growing vulnerability among the population. The report estimates that $4 billion annually is required to combat poverty in Myanmar.

In conclusion, the situation in Myanmar demands immediate attention and intervention to prevent a deeper crisis. With the middle class eroding rapidly and a significant portion of the population teetering just above the poverty line, the need for support and assistance is paramount to avoid long-term repercussions that could affect generations to come.

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