Al-Khidmat Foundation Leads Fundraising for Gaza Victims

Web DeskMay 29, 2024 01:16 PMnational
  • Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman sheds light on critical situation in Gaza
  • Al-Khidmat Foundation actively provides aid to Gaza residents
  • Logistical challenges in delivering aid to Gaza highlighted
Al-Khidmat Foundation Leads Fundraising for Gaza VictimsImage Credits: pakobserver
Al-Khidmat Foundation, in partnership with other organizations, leads a fundraising event to support Gaza victims. Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman highlights the critical situation and logistical challenges in delivering aid.

Al-Khidmat Foundation, along with Justice of Peace and Sahar Foundation, organized a fundraising event to gather donations for the victims of Israeli aggression in Gaza. The event aimed to provide support to those who have suffered immensely in recent months.

Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman, the President of Al-Khidmat Foundation, shed light on the critical situation in Gaza, where countless innocent lives have been lost, and many are struggling to access basic necessities like shelter, food, and water.

He emphasized the severe impact of the violence and oppression inflicted by Israel in Gaza, a densely populated region with 2.4 million residents. The conflict has disrupted or destroyed essential services such as electricity, water supply, and healthcare facilities.

Al-Khidmat Foundation has been actively engaged in providing aid to the people of Gaza by collaborating with various NGOs and organizations to deliver vital supplies, including food, medical assistance, and educational support. Plans are in place to send additional resources like mobile hospitals, water filtration plants, and educational facilities once a ceasefire is established.

Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman also highlighted the logistical challenges involved in delivering aid to Gaza, including coordination with international partners, utilizing air and sea routes for transportation, and working closely with government agencies to ensure efficient distribution of supplies.

Attendees at the event, including government officials and members of civil society, were encouraged to contribute generously to Al-Khidmat Foundation's relief efforts for the people of Palestine.

The fundraising event organized by Al-Khidmat Foundation, in collaboration with other organizations, serves as a beacon of hope for the victims of the conflict in Gaza. Through collective efforts and support, essential aid and resources are being mobilized to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the crisis. The generosity and solidarity shown by the attendees reflect a commitment to standing in solidarity with the people of Palestine during these challenging times.

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