Provincial Ombudsman Urges Water Board for System Enhancement

Web DeskJune 28, 2024 01:53 PMnational
  • Dr. Rajput stresses urgent need for water distribution system upgrade
  • Appointment of dedicated focal person to handle complaints efficiently
  • Collaborative efforts to improve water supply and accountability
Provincial Ombudsman Urges Water Board for System EnhancementImage Credits: pakobserver
Provincial Ombudsman calls for Water Board to enhance water distribution system to address citizens' complaints effectively. Meeting highlights solutions for water supply challenges and emphasizes the importance of governance and service delivery.

Dr. Muhammad Sohail Rajput, the Provincial Ombudsman, has emphasized the need for the Water Board to urgently enhance its water distribution system to effectively address citizens' complaints regarding water supply. This call to action came during a significant meeting held at the ombudsman's office, where Chief Operating Officer Asadullah Khan and senior Water Board officials engaged in discussions on various challenges.

Issues such as water supply challenges, recurring complaints in specific areas, damages in water lines, and outstanding payments to retired staff were thoroughly examined during the meeting. The focus was on finding solutions to promptly resolve citizens' complaints and improve the overall water supply situation in the region.

Key attendees at the meeting included Provincial Ombudsman Office Adviser HashimRaza, Registrar MasoodIshrat, and Consultant Brigadier Muhammad Jameel. A crucial decision was made to appoint a dedicated focal person within the Water Board to handle complaints from all regional offices of the provincial ombudsman. This individual will play a vital role in ensuring that complaints are addressed promptly and that the necessary steps taken are communicated in a timely manner to minimize inconvenience for the complainants.

Dr. Rajput highlighted the essential role of the ombudsman institution in providing affordable and timely justice to the public, underscoring the importance of effective governance and service delivery.

The proactive approach taken by the Provincial Ombudsman and the Water Board in addressing citizens' concerns regarding water supply reflects a commitment to improving public services and ensuring accountability. By working together to enhance the water distribution system and streamline complaint management processes, both entities are striving to create a more efficient and responsive system that benefits the community at large.

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