IGP Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi's Commitment Shines

Web DeskApril 25, 2024 02:19 PMpolitics
  • Dedicates 22 hours daily to professional duties
  • Emphasizes tireless work ethic and minimal sleep
  • Focuses on enhancing security measures and public safety
IGP Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi's Commitment ShinesImage Credits: The Nation
IGP Islamabad, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, demonstrates unwavering commitment to public service and enhancing security measures in the capital city, focusing on community policing, crime prevention, and public safety.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, has revealed his unwavering commitment to serving the community by dedicating 22 hours daily to his professional duties. In a recent meeting with journalists at the Central Police Office (CPO) Islamabad, Rizvi emphasized his tireless work ethic, highlighting his practice of sleeping for only two hours as a reflection of his deep sense of responsibility.

Rizvi expressed gratitude to journalists for their support and outlined Islamabad Police's efforts to strengthen community policing in the federal capital. He assured the public of ongoing initiatives to provide essential facilities and effectively combat crime. The IGP underscored the leadership's dedication to public service, aiming to address citizens' concerns and tackle criminal activities head-on.

Addressing safety concerns, Rizvi informed journalists about comprehensive measures being implemented to ensure the protection of officers and officials. He pledged to equip all personnel with protective gear and emphasized his constant availability to both the police force and the public.

Rizvi highlighted increased patrolling efforts across the city to deter crime during peak hours, with the goal of creating a peaceful environment for residents. Additionally, he outlined plans for a 100% crackdown on extortion groups, along with initiatives to improve traffic flow and enhance security at sensitive locations. These measures are designed to bolster public safety and maintain law and order in Islamabad.

IGP Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi's dedication to public service and commitment to enhancing security measures in Islamabad reflect a proactive approach towards ensuring the well-being of the community. With a focus on community policing, crime prevention, and public safety, the Islamabad Police under Rizvi's leadership is poised to create a safer and more secure environment for all residents.

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