K-P Government Establishes Judicial Commission for May 9 Investigation

Web DeskJune 27, 2024 10:18 AMpolitics
  • K-P government forms judicial commission to investigate May 9 events
  • Commission aims to uncover truth and hold responsible parties accountable
  • Initiative reflects commitment to justice and transparency in governance
K-P Government Establishes Judicial Commission for May 9 InvestigationImage Credits: tribune.com.pk
The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government has announced the establishment of a judicial commission to investigate the events of May 9, showcasing a commitment to transparency and accountability in governance.

The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government (K-P) has taken a significant step by announcing the establishment of a judicial commission to investigate the events that occurred on May 9. This decision comes in response to a resolution passed by the provincial assembly, which is now awaiting final approval at an upcoming cabinet meeting.

The formation of this commission marks a crucial development in ensuring transparency and accountability in addressing the incidents of May 9. By initiating this investigative body, the K-P government aims to uncover the truth behind the events and hold responsible parties accountable for their actions.

Once the resolution receives the green light at the cabinet meeting, the judicial commission will be empowered to conduct a thorough inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the events of May 9. This commission will have the authority to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and analyze information to provide a comprehensive report on the matter.

Overall, the establishment of the judicial commission by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government reflects a commitment to upholding justice and ensuring transparency in governance. This proactive approach demonstrates the government's dedication to addressing critical issues and promoting accountability within the province.

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