Residents Urged to Prepare for Rain-Thunderstorm in Northern Pakistan

Web DeskMay 1, 2024 12:45 PMweather
  • Partly cloudy with rain-thunderstorm in Kashmir and northern Pakistan
  • Temperature variations across different cities ranging from 8°C to 28°C
  • Residents advised to stay informed and take necessary precautions
Residents Urged to Prepare for Rain-Thunderstorm in Northern PakistanImage Credits:
Today's weather forecast predicts partly cloudy conditions with chances of rain-thunderstorm in Kashmir and northern Pakistan. Temperature variations range from 8°C to 28°C across different cities. Residents are advised to stay informed and take necessary precautions to stay safe during changing weather conditions.

Today's weather forecast predicts partly cloudy conditions with chances of rain-thunderstorm in Kashmir and adjoining hilly areas of northern Pakistan. The temperature variations across different cities are as follows:

  • Islamabad and Peshawar: 15°C
  • Lahore: 18°C
  • Karachi: 28°C
  • Quetta and Murree: 8°C
  • Gilgit: 9°C
  • Muzafarabad: 11°C

In Islamabad and Peshawar, the temperature is expected to be 15 degrees Celsius, while Lahore will experience a slightly higher temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. Karachi, being in the southern region, will have a warmer day with a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, Quetta and Murree will have cooler temperatures at 8 degrees Celsius. Gilgit and Muzafarabad will also experience relatively cooler weather at 9 and 11 degrees Celsius respectively.

Residents in these areas are advised to be prepared for possible rain-thunderstorm activities and to take necessary precautions to stay safe during the changing weather conditions. It is recommended to stay updated with the latest weather forecasts and alerts to plan activities accordingly.

As the weather pattern shifts towards partly cloudy conditions with chances of rain-thunderstorm in northern Pakistan, residents are urged to stay informed and prepared for any weather-related disruptions. By staying vigilant and following safety guidelines, individuals can navigate through the changing weather conditions with caution and awareness.

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