Residents Urged to Prepare for Severe Weather Conditions

Web DeskMay 9, 2024 05:30 AMweather
  • Rain, wind, and thunderstorms expected in North Balochistan and Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
  • Temperatures ranging from 14°C in Gilgit to 29°C in Karachi.
  • Stay informed, carry umbrella, and take precautions during severe weather.
Residents Urged to Prepare for Severe Weather ConditionsImage Credits:
The weather forecast for various regions in Pakistan predicts rain, wind, and thunderstorms in specific areas. Residents and travelers are advised to stay informed, carry necessary gear, and take precautions to ensure safety.

The weather forecast for different regions in Pakistan indicates the possibility of rain, wind, and thunderstorms in specific areas of North Balochistan, Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir, and nearby mountainous regions during the evening and night hours. This forecast is crucial for residents and travelers in these areas to be prepared for potential weather disruptions.

In terms of temperature, Islamabad, Quetta, and Muzafarabad are expected to have a temperature of 19°C. Lahore will experience a slightly warmer temperature of 28°C, while Karachi will be at 29°C. Peshawar is forecasted to have a temperature of 22°C, Gilgit at 14°C, and Murree at 17°C.

It is important for individuals in these regions to stay informed about the weather conditions and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Make sure to check local weather updates regularly and plan your activities accordingly. Remember to carry an umbrella or raincoat if you are in an area prone to rain, and stay indoors during thunderstorms.

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