Residents Urged to Stay Informed About Varying Temperatures

Web DeskMay 5, 2024 01:26 AMweather
  • Islamabad at 14°C, Karachi at 29°C, and Srinagar expecting thunderstorms.
  • Different cities in Pakistan experiencing diverse temperatures.
  • Weather forecast highlights varying conditions across Pakistan and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Residents Urged to Stay Informed About Varying TemperaturesImage Credits:
Discover the current temperatures in different cities of Pakistan and the weather forecast for Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Stay informed to plan your activities accordingly and ensure safety.

Today, different cities across Pakistan are experiencing varying temperatures. In Islamabad, the temperature is at fourteen degrees Celsius, while Lahore is relatively warmer at twenty-one degrees. Karachi, on the other hand, is experiencing a warmer climate with temperatures reaching twenty-nine degrees. Peshawar is at nineteen degrees, Quetta at seventeen, Gilgit at eleven, Muzafarabad at fifteen, and Murree at twelve degrees Celsius.

Turning our attention to the weather forecast for Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, we see a mix of conditions. Srinagar, Jammu, Pulwama, Anantnag, Shopian, and Baramula are expected to have partly cloudy weather with chances of gusting winds, rain, and thunderstorms during the evening and night. Meanwhile, Leh is forecasted to have cloudy skies with chances of rain and thunderstorms.

As temperatures fluctuate across different regions, it is essential for residents to stay informed about the weather conditions to plan their activities accordingly. Whether enjoying a sunny day in Karachi or preparing for possible rain in Srinagar, being aware of the forecast can help individuals make informed decisions and stay safe.

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