Civil Society Opposes Punjab Defamation Bill

Web DeskMay 22, 2024 01:43 AMnational
  • Opposition from over 80 civil society organizations and journalists
  • Concerns about stifling dissent and criticism
  • Debate on balance between freedom of expression and defamation laws
Civil Society Opposes Punjab Defamation BillImage Credits: thefridaytimes
The Punjab Defamation Bill (2024) faces strong opposition from civil society and journalists due to concerns about potential restrictions on freedom of expression and press freedom. Critics highlight worries about stifling dissent, disproportionate penalties, and the need for inclusive consultations.

The Punjab Defamation Bill (2024) has sparked controversy and opposition from various quarters, including civil society and journalists. This bill, if enacted, could have serious implications for freedom of expression and press freedom in the region.

Opponents of the bill, comprising over 80 civil society organizations and journalists, have raised concerns about its potential to stifle dissent and criticism. They argue that the bill's primary focus on protecting 'public officials' from defamation could be misused to shield those in power from accountability.

One of the major criticisms leveled against the bill is its provisions that allow defamation actions to be initiated without the requirement to prove actual damage. Critics also point out the exorbitant fines and the shift from district courts to tribunals as worrisome developments that could lead to undue interference.

Moreover, the bill's broad definition of 'journalists' and 'newspapers,' which now includes social media users, has raised alarms about potential restrictions on online freedom of expression. The proposed penalties, such as blocking social media accounts, are seen as disproportionate and undemocratic.

In response to the growing opposition, civil society and stakeholders are urging the Punjab government to reconsider the bill. They are calling for the governor of Punjab to withhold approval and emphasize the importance of inclusive consultations for any future initiatives addressing online disinformation and hate speech.

The Punjab Defamation Bill (2024) has ignited a debate on the balance between freedom of expression and the need to address defamation. As the opposition mounts against the bill, it remains to be seen how the Punjab government will respond to the concerns raised by civil society and journalists. The outcome of this debate will have far-reaching implications for the state of free speech in Punjab.

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