Karachi Authorities Warn of Monsoon Rain Surge

Web DeskJune 9, 2024 09:46 AMweather
  • PDMA warns of over 100% rainfall increase in Karachi.
  • 550 blocked drains pose severe flooding risk in Karachi.
  • Collaboration and proactive measures crucial to mitigate flood impacts.
Karachi Authorities Warn of Monsoon Rain SurgeImage Credits: Dawn
The Provincial Disaster Management Authority of Sindh issues a warning about the expected surge in rainfall in Karachi during the upcoming monsoon season, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to mitigate flood risks.

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) of Sindh has issued a warning about the expected surge in rainfall in Karachi during the upcoming monsoon season. Forecasts indicate a substantial increase in rainfall, exceeding 100% between July and August. This worrying prediction was discussed in a meeting chaired by Karachi Commissioner Syed Hasan Naqvi.

Citizens have expressed worries about the potential damage heavy rains could inflict, especially if proactive measures are not taken to clear the city's drains. Karachi's drainage system is currently under strain, with around 550 waste drains reported to be blocked, posing a significant flooding risk.

The PDMA has stressed the importance of thorough preparations to clean the drains and ensure proper water drainage. Without these actions, low-lying areas of Karachi are at a high risk of severe flooding and related disasters during the monsoon season.

Commissioner Naqvi has emphasized the significance of issuing advance instructions to relevant institutions to brace for the heavy rains. He has pointed out that the clogged waste drains in the city, caused by garbage accumulation, could result in substantial damage in the event of heavy rainfall.

Recent discussions have highlighted the urgency for authorities and residents in Karachi to take immediate and proactive steps to mitigate the potential impacts of the upcoming monsoon rains. Sindh Chief Secretary Asif Hyder Shah led a meeting to evaluate the preparedness for urban flooding risks in Karachi ahead of the monsoon season.

Shah has stressed the need for all institutions to collaborate with the Meteorological Department and PDMA to address the potential challenges posed by stormy rains and floods in Sindh. He has directed the relevant departments to ensure the availability of emergency equipment, machinery, dewatering pumps, and field personnel to respond effectively to any flood-related emergencies.

The Chief Secretary has attributed the increased rainfall and flooding in the province to climate change, underscoring the ongoing necessity for proactive measures to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events.

As Karachi braces for a significant increase in rainfall during the upcoming monsoon season, it is crucial for authorities and residents to work together to address the looming threat of flooding. By taking proactive steps to clear drains and enhance preparedness, the city can better withstand the challenges posed by heavy rains. Collaboration between institutions and timely actions are key to minimizing the potential damage and ensuring the safety of all residents.

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