National Weather Service warns of expanding heat wave

Web DeskJune 16, 2024 05:41 AMweather
  • Heat wave to impact 250 million individuals in Midwest and northeast
  • Temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius for at least a week
  • Major cities to experience hottest days of the year with increased humidity
National Weather Service warns of expanding heat waveImage Credits: thefrontierpost
A heat wave originating in the southeastern United States is set to expand into the Midwest and northeast, affecting around 250 million people. Temperatures are expected to soar above 32 degrees Celsius for at least a week, with major cities experiencing record-breaking heat and increased humidity levels. It is crucial to take precautions to stay safe and cool during this intense heat wave.

A heat wave currently affecting the southeastern United States is expected to expand into the Midwest and northeast regions, potentially impacting around 250 million individuals, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). The NWS forecasts temperatures to remain above 32 degrees Celsius (90F) for at least a week, with the possibility of continuing until June 26. This initial summer heat wave is set to begin on Sunday in the central part of the nation, then move towards the Midwest and northeast by Tuesday, lasting for the majority of the following week.

In some areas, temperatures could reach as high as 40.56C (105F), setting new temperature records and leading to warm nights. Major cities like Chicago, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Boston are expected to experience their hottest days of the year, along with increased levels of humidity. The southeastern region has been under the influence of a heat dome, characterized by high-pressure systems that trap warm air, impeding the influx of cooler air and hindering cloud formation.

As this heat wave sweeps across the nation, it is crucial to take precautions to stay safe and cool. Remember to stay hydrated, seek shade or air-conditioned spaces, and avoid strenuous outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day. Check on vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and young children, and never leave pets or children in parked vehicles. By staying informed and prepared, we can all weather this heat wave together.

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