Weather Experts Predict Relief from High Temperatures in Pakistan

Web DeskJune 20, 2024 03:56 AMweather
  • Western winds and rain to lower temperatures by June 22
  • Change in weather not classified as pre-monsoon rains
  • Residents to get respite from the scorching heat
Weather Experts Predict Relief from High Temperatures in PakistanImage Credits:
Pakistan is set to experience relief from high temperatures as weather experts predict the arrival of western winds and rain in the northern regions by June 22, providing much-needed respite from the scorching heat.

Pakistan is currently experiencing high temperatures, but relief is on the way. Weather experts predict that the arrival of western winds and rain in the northern regions will help lower the temperature by June 22. This change in weather patterns is not classified as pre-monsoon rains, as the rainfall is anticipated due to the influence of westward winds.

The high temperatures in Pakistan have been a cause for concern, but the upcoming change in weather is expected to bring relief to the residents. The western winds and rain are set to cool down the region, providing much-needed respite from the heat.

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