Dr. Mubashir Mushtaq Daha Warns of Summer Skin Issues

Web DeskMay 28, 2024 03:16 AMweather
  • Intense sun rays and high humidity can cause skin problems
  • Prevent skin dryness and fungal infections by limiting sun exposure
  • Protect yourself from insect bites to avoid allergic reactions
Dr. Mubashir Mushtaq Daha Warns of Summer Skin IssuesImage Credits: thenews
Learn how to protect your skin during summer to prevent burns, infections, and allergic reactions. Follow expert advice to stay healthy and glowing all season long.

As the summer heat continues, it's important to take care of your skin to avoid potential issues. Dr. Mubashir Mushtaq Daha, a skin specialist, warns that the intense sun rays and high humidity can lead to skin problems like burns and infections. Skin allergies, heat rashes, and the risk of skin cancer from sunburn are common during hot months.

To prevent skin dryness and fungal infections, it's crucial to limit sun exposure, take cool showers, and stay hydrated. Aloe vera and rose water can help soothe itching and provide relief. Wearing breathable fabrics like cotton can prevent moisture buildup and reduce the risk of infections.

Insects are more active in summer, so it's essential to protect yourself from bites that can trigger allergic reactions. Seasonal allergies, especially during high pollen seasons, can also lead to skin issues like contact dermatitis. While mild reactions can be treated at home, severe symptoms require medical attention.

During hot weather, taking care of your skin is crucial to avoid common issues like burns, infections, and allergic reactions. By following simple tips like wearing breathable clothing, staying hydrated, and protecting yourself from insect bites, you can keep your skin healthy and glowing all summer long.

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