Anjuman and Donor Friends donate water treatment plant

Web DeskJune 7, 2024 10:10 PMnational
  • Contribution to healthcare by donating water treatment plant
  • Ensuring access to clean drinking water for patients and caregivers
  • Improving healthcare standards and enhancing well-being of individuals
Anjuman and Donor Friends donate water treatment plantImage Credits: Associated Press of Pakistan
Anjuman and Donor Friends of Faisalabad donate a water treatment plant worth Rs 1.2 million to Allied Hospital-II, ensuring access to clean drinking water for patients and caregivers, thereby improving healthcare standards and well-being.

An anti-narcotics organization, Anjuman, in collaboration with Donor Friends of Faisalabad, has made a significant contribution to healthcare by donating a water treatment plant worth Rs 1.2 million to Allied Hospital-II in Faisalabad. The generous donation was presented to Deputy Medical Superintendent Ali Baig by Hasam Hassan, the General Secretary of Anjuman Anti-Narcotics.

The primary objective of this donation is to ensure that patients and their caregivers at the hospital have access to clean drinking water, promoting a safe and hygienic environment. By providing this water treatment facility, the initiative aims to improve the overall healthcare standards and enhance the well-being of individuals receiving medical care at the hospital.

At the official handover ceremony, distinguished psychologist Prof Dr Imtiaz Ahmed Dogar and other notable figures were present, emphasizing the importance of this collaborative endeavor in enhancing healthcare services and facilities within the region.

The donation of the water treatment plant by Anjuman and Donor Friends of Faisalabad to Allied Hospital-II marks a significant step towards improving healthcare infrastructure and ensuring the well-being of patients. This initiative not only highlights the importance of access to clean water in healthcare settings but also showcases the positive impact of community partnerships in addressing critical healthcare needs.

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