Mixed Weather Forecast in Pakistan and IIOJ&K

Web DeskMay 28, 2024 08:26 AMweather
  • Varied temperatures in major cities of Pakistan
  • Expect hot and dry weather with chances of rain in IIOJ&K
  • Stay updated for weather changes to plan activities
Mixed Weather Forecast in Pakistan and IIOJ&KImage Credits: radio.gov.pk
Get insights into the diverse weather forecasts for cities in Pakistan and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Stay informed about temperature variations and potential rain and thunderstorm alerts to plan your activities effectively.

The weather forecast for various cities in Pakistan and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir shows a mix of temperatures and conditions for the upcoming days.

In Islamabad and Murree, the temperature is expected to be 21°C. Lahore will experience 29°C, while Karachi and Peshawar will have 30°C. Quetta will have 22°C, and Gilgit and Muzafarabad will experience 24°C.

In Srinagar, Pulwama, Anantnag, Shopian, and Baramula, hot and dry weather is expected during the day, with chances of windstorm-rain and thunderstorm in the evening and night. Leh will have partly cloudy weather with chances of light rain and thunderstorm during the evening and night. Jammu is expected to have very hot and dry weather during the day, with chances of windstorm-rain and thunderstorm in the evening and night.

Stay updated with the latest weather conditions in these regions to plan your activities accordingly.

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