Rawalpindi's Educational Institutions Commemorate Black Day

Web DeskMay 8, 2024 06:57 PMnational
  • May 9 designated as Black Day to honor tragic incident
  • District administration mandates events for faculty and students
  • Educational institutions unite to reflect and pay tribute
Rawalpindi's Educational Institutions Commemorate Black DayImage Credits: en.dailypakistan.com.pk
Rawalpindi's educational institutions mark May 9 as a Black Day to honor a tragic incident. District administration mandates events for faculty and students to pay tribute and reflect on the significance of the day.

Rawalpindi's educational institutions have made a significant decision to mark May 9 as a Black Day in memory of a tragic incident that took place on this date. The district administration has mandated all educational institutions to conduct events for both faculty and students to honor the occasion.

The decision to observe May 9 as a Black Day stems from a solemn event that occurred on that fateful day. The district administration, through an official notification, has instructed all educational institutions in Rawalpindi to commemorate this day by organizing events that pay tribute to the incident.

On May 9, Rawalpindi's educational institutions will come together to reflect on the past and remember the significance of the day. Faculty and students alike will participate in various activities and events to show their respect and remembrance for the tragic incident that occurred on this date.

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