Meteorological Department warns of scorching Eid-ul-Fitr weather

Web DeskApril 11, 2024 07:17 PMweather
  • Hot and humid weather forecast for Karachi and Sindh during Eid-ul-Fitr
  • Temperatures may reach 39 degrees Celsius, dropping slightly to 36-37 degrees
  • Eid-ul-Fitr likely on April 10, Shawwal moon sighting expected on April 9
Meteorological Department warns of scorching Eid-ul-Fitr weatherImage Credits: MSN
Stay informed about the scorching weather forecast for Eid-ul-Fitr in Karachi and Sindh. Take necessary precautions to stay safe and enjoy the festive occasion.

The Meteorological Department has issued an update forecasting hot and humid weather conditions in Karachi and the wider Sindh region during the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr holidays. Temperatures are anticipated to rise significantly, with a possibility of reaching 39 degrees Celsius. However, there is a slight respite on the horizon as temperatures are expected to drop to a range of 36 to 37 degrees Celsius in Karachi.

The Meteorological Department has also announced that Eid-ul-Fitr is likely to be celebrated on April 10, with the Shawwal moon expected to be sighted on April 9. The moon is scheduled to appear at 11:21 pm on April 8 and will be visible for approximately 19 to 20 hours, with a visibility window of over 50 minutes around sunset.

As preparations for the festive occasion are underway, it is crucial for residents to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions to combat the hot weather conditions, especially when engaging in outdoor activities and gatherings.

With the impending heatwave and humidity in Karachi and Sindh during the Eid-ul-Fitr holidays, it is essential for individuals to prioritize their health and well-being by staying cool, hydrated, and protected from the sun. By following these precautions, everyone can enjoy a safe and pleasant celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr amidst the challenging weather conditions.

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