Dr. Ahmed Ijaz Masood Raises Concerns Over Tobacco Use

Web DeskJune 3, 2024 12:37 AMnational
  • E-cigarettes and hookah pose higher risks than traditional cigarettes
  • Tobacco industry targets youth with marketing tactics
  • Smoking glamorization in media contributes to rising tobacco use
Dr. Ahmed Ijaz Masood Raises Concerns Over Tobacco UseImage Credits: Associated Press of Pakistan
Dr. Ahmed Ijaz Masood, President of the Cancer Society, highlights the dangers of tobacco products, emphasizing the need for public education on smoking's severe health consequences.

Dr. Ahmed Ijaz Masood, the President of the Cancer Society, has voiced alarm over the rising popularity of tobacco products like e-cigarettes and hookah among young individuals. He has highlighted the increased risks associated with these products compared to traditional cigarettes due to their harmful contents.

Dr. Masood has pointed out that the tobacco industry employs various tactics to lure young people into lifelong addiction by marketing these products under different names and using branded materials. He has specifically emphasized the dangers of e-cigarettes, which contain nicotine and potentially harmful substances like heavy metals that can damage the lungs and respiratory system.

Expressing disappointment over the glamorization of smoking in popular media, Dr. Masood has called for a discouragement of such portrayals. He has noted a concerning rise in tobacco-related scenes in youth-targeted shows that often depict smoking in a positive light.

Global statistics reveal that millions of adolescents use tobacco products, with nicotine posing a significant threat to developing brains. Dr. Masood has stressed the critical need to raise awareness about the health hazards of smoking, describing it as a pressing societal issue that impacts various organs and overall well-being.

Highlighting the presence of over 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, most of which are carcinogenic, Dr. Masood has warned about the increased risk of cancers affecting organs such as the lungs, mouth, throat, esophagus, and more. Additionally, smoking has been linked to heart attacks, asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders.

Dr. Ahmed Ijaz Masood's concerns shed light on the urgent necessity for comprehensive public education regarding the adverse effects of tobacco use. It is crucial to advocate for a healthier future by combating the glamorization of smoking and promoting awareness about the severe health consequences associated with tobacco products.

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