Minister Vows to Eradicate Dowry in Pakistan

Web DeskMay 18, 2024 08:30 PMnational
  • 13.5 million women face marriage challenges due to dowry burden
  • Legislative action needed to outlaw harmful dowry practices
  • Concerns raised over correlation between dowry and rising suicides
Minister Vows to Eradicate Dowry in PakistanImage Credits: The Diplomatic Affairs
The Punjab Assembly session highlighted the urgent need for legislative action to combat the detrimental effects of dowry in Pakistan, emphasizing the protection of daughters and families.

In a recent session at the Punjab Assembly, members discussed the pressing issue of dowry prevalent in Pakistan. It was revealed that a significant number of women, approximately 13.5 million, face challenges in getting married due to the financial burden of dowry. Drawing parallels with neighboring countries like India, where laws have been enacted to outlaw dowry practices, the members emphasized the need for immediate action to address this issue.

The impact of dowry on families, especially young girls unable to marry due to financial constraints, was a focal point of the discussion. The harmful effects of this societal norm were underscored, with examples of past initiatives that have helped alleviate the burden on families. Measures such as curbing extravagant wedding expenses have proven effective in enabling marriages within economically disadvantaged households.

A concerning correlation between dowry and the rising rate of suicides among fathers struggling to meet dowry demands was highlighted. The session shed light on the plight of low-income earners forced to make difficult choices between basic necessities and saving for dowries, emphasizing the urgent need for legislative action to ban this harmful practice.

The Minister for Bait-ul-Mal and Social Welfare echoed these concerns, labeling dowry as a societal curse requiring immediate intervention. He stressed the necessity of revolutionary steps to combat this deeply rooted social evil, with a focus on protecting daughters and their families from the adverse effects of dowry. The minister pledged to introduce new legislation aimed at eradicating this harmful practice from society.

The discussions at the Punjab Assembly have brought to light the detrimental effects of dowry on families and individuals in Pakistan. It is imperative for legislative measures to be implemented swiftly to address this issue and protect the well-being of daughters and families. By taking proactive steps to eliminate the practice of dowry, Pakistan can pave the way for a more equitable and just society for all its citizens.

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