Syed Mustafa Kamal Criticizes Rising Karachi Street Crime

Web DeskJune 5, 2024 01:21 PMnational
  • Kamal highlights alarming street crime trend in Karachi.
  • Proposes licensed firearms for self-defense against criminals.
  • Warns of protests if authorities fail to address security issues.
Syed Mustafa Kamal Criticizes Rising Karachi Street CrimeImage Credits: Pakistan Today
Syed Mustafa Kamal criticizes the surge in street crime in Karachi, proposing licensed firearms for self-defense and warning of protests if authorities do not act promptly to ensure the safety of the city's residents.

Recently, Syed Mustafa Kamal, a key figure in MQM-Pakistan, voiced strong criticism against the rising incidents of street crime in Karachi. Addressing the media at MQM Pakistan House, Kamal shed light on a concerning trend that he believes is part of a larger scheme to exploit the city's residents economically. He specifically called out the Sindh government for its failure to protect the lives and properties of Karachi's people, citing the distressing statistic of 71 young men falling victim to street crime in the past few months.

Expressing his deep sympathy for the affected families, Kamal highlighted the devastating impact on households where young men, often the main providers for their elderly parents, have been targeted. He recounted a tragic incident involving Itteqa Moeen, who was not only fatally shot but also robbed of his belongings, branding such acts as more than just crimes but as a form of genocide.

In response to the government's inaction, Kamal proposed allowing licensed individuals to carry firearms for self-defense and announced plans to collaborate with local communities to bolster security measures. Emphasizing the need for localized policing, he stressed that this approach would be the most effective in tackling the current security challenges.

Issuing a stern warning, Kamal stated that if the authorities failed to address these pressing issues, they would mobilize protests alongside the citizens of Karachi. He called upon all levels of government and law enforcement to fulfill their duties and ensure the safety of the city.

The press conference, attended by MQM-Pakistan members from the National and Sindh assemblies, featured poignant placards displaying images of the crime victims, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

The alarming surge in street crime in Karachi has sparked outrage among residents, with leaders like Syed Mustafa Kamal demanding immediate action to safeguard the city's population. As concerns grow, the call for enhanced security measures and community collaboration becomes more urgent than ever. It is crucial for authorities to heed these warnings and prioritize the safety and well-being of Karachi's citizens.

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